In depth articles about our operation
Our Mission – Composing for Film

Whatever projects we’re working on, we always try to express something meaningful, beautiful, relevant and hopefully, personal with our music. We like to work together, feeding of each others ideas and strengths, but we can just as well work independently, depending on the project at hand. Either way, we always have the creative support of the group, which is very helpful for a successful end result.
We’d like to help you at every stage of the film making process. We think it’s a good thing to be a part of the process early on, but we are very used to adapt our workflow to suit your current needs.
We have composed music scores for film and television since 1998. In these projects our task has been to tell the “unseen story” with music, e.g. emphasize emotions, build expectations, frighten and surprise. We have a strong grasp of storytelling and can help the director and producer to express their story musically. We think that a thorough spotting session is a good starting point for a fruitful and successful scoring of a film. That way, the director, producer and composer, can lay the foundation for the score; Which mood and what meaning should the music have? Where should it start and stop? When should there be silence?
We can also help you with source music, such as music in restaurants and clubs, songs on radio and tunes that are performed by the actors.
The ability to make a believable orchestral mockup or music demo, is a valuable tool when discussing the score. When you have good representation early in the process, of the possible end result, it is much easier for everybody to give relevant feedback to the ideas presented. You can listen to en example of an orchestral mockup here. We take pride in delivering relevant and good sounding music demos and orchestral mockups. A believable mockup is also very helpful for the orchestrator/copyist, producing sheet music, and the recording engineer, capturing the music.
Our experience and understanding of sound design (foley, SFX, atmosphere, etc) also helps us make a better score that will fit nicely with the rest of the sounds in the film. We like to cooperate and correspond with the post-production sound department, to make sure that our efforts doesn’t collide.
At the end of the scoring process, we mix, master and label the music-files. We deliver stereo mixes, 5.1 mixes or STEMS in any desired format.
In our career we have scored a large number of feature films such as “Miraklet i Viskan”, “Prästen i paradiset”, “Irene Huss” and “Maria Wern”. We also have composed for Swedish Television. TV-dramas like “Kniven i hjärtat”, “Saltön”, “STHLM” and “Möbelhandlarens Dotter”.
Our employers have been; Zodiac, Eyeworks, SVT Drama, Fundament Film, TV4 Drama, Yellowbird, Moviemakers, Götafilm, Giraff film, Garage film, Illusion film, among others.